Happy Monday #ITGirls... it’s #virtualizationtime. What’s Step Four in “How to be more Technical?” you might ask? Let’s explore the world of virtualization.
In a traditional #datacenter, you might see an application that requires multiple physical servers to run (like a web server, database server, etc), and those physical servers sit inside a rack inside a data center. If the data center is hosting a lot of applications, then that data center has A LOT of physical servers.
Those physical servers take up space and energy...and cost a lot of money!
How can companies shrink their data center footprint and make more efficient use out of their hardware? VIRTUALIZATION! Virtualization is the process of creating a software representation of something, like servers, storage and hardware.
#servervirtualization specifically is the act of abstracting the compute resources of a physical server (like #cpu and #ram). What do you need to virtualize a server? You need... a #hypervisor!
A hypervisor is software that can be installed directly onto a physical server. It abstracts the resources, creates something called a#virtualmachine or a “VM” which is essentially a virtual server. The hypervisor schedules out the resources to the VMs so that every VM has a fair chance of getting the resources it needs, when it needs it.
So instead of your app running on a big bulky physical server, they can now run on VMs. And those VMs can run on a single virtual server!
And the hypervisor is just like, “OK! It’s 9AM and Application X is about to run a big report, I’m gonna give it all the RAM and CPU that it needs”.... and maybe later in the day the Hypervisor is like “Alright! Application Y is FREAKING OUT because it has a lot of users doing a lot of different things in it so I’m going to give it AS MUCH RAM and CPU as I can give it, which is fine because Application X is chilling right now and Application Z isn’t even being used.”
Server virtualization means your data center can be smaller, but you can fit more in it!
Free Resource time!!